What's New?

Consecutive Follow-Ups

  • Users can now create a consecutive follow-up while recording the outcome for a follow-up task.
  • Consecutive follow-ups have no limit.

Follow-Up for Log Email

  • Users can now create a follow-up when logging an email.


  • When previewing quote logos under admin settings, users will now see their business information beside the logo.
  • When downloading or emailing quote attachments, the file name will start with the user's company initials.
  • When editing call, email, or in-person follow-up information, the task associated with the follow-up now adjusts. Vice versa also applies.
  • Dashboard to-do will now show the 3-dot menu for each task, regardless of the due date. This update allows users to complete their tasks before the due date.
  • Users can now save a quote when the load-to-truck ratio is undefined. L/T ratio will only be required when DAT is integrated.
  • When a user has no BlueGrace integration and creates an LTL or LCL quote, the charges tab will automatically prompt the add carrier form.
  • When opening a lane in the quote list, the system will now redirect the user to the quote with the selected lane highlighted and its cargo details opened.