What's New?

Customer Historical Lanes Tab

  • SCRM can now show historical lanes under each customer account.
  • This new ‘Lanes’ tab is available under the Company account view.
  • Historical lanes information is automatically synchronized from your TMS into SCRM.
  • Some of the information displayed under the ‘Lanes’ tab includes, but is not limited to, shipment date, load number, origin and destination, carrier, and more.


  • Hovering over data points in line chart reports with identical data points will now display items in an organized manner. This improvement is applied to the following reports:
    • Customer Service Owners Activities
    • Customer Service Owners Lane Conversion
    • Lane Conversion by Customer
    • Sales Owners Activities
    • Sales Owners Avg Awarded Lane Deal Size
    • Sales Owners Lane Conversion
  • Forms, Fields & Values under Admin Settings now has a cleaner look, displaying only the fields that can be customized.
  • Initial misassignments don't count in conversion rates if a company is moved back to an earlier sales pipeline stage. This allows for more accurate conversion rates.
  • To accelerate the quoting process, Service Type now auto-selects when creating a quote.
  • Reports such as Customer Service Owners Lane Conversion and Sales Owners Lane Conversion can now be filtered by Date Range and displayed using Line and Column Charts.
  • When creating a quote, the Quote Probability field is now optional.