What's New?

Customize Company Form

  • In the Companies tab, users can now customize the form to select only the fields that are relevant to them.
  • Users can also rearrange the form fields to suit their needs.
  • The form fields can be reset to default at any time.
  • Users can edit their Company form fields without affecting other users' Company forms.

New Awarded Date and Lost Date Fields in Quotes

  • In Quotes, we added the Awarded Date and Lost Date columns.
  • The Quote List can now be sorted by Awarded Date and Lost Date.
  • The following Reports can also be sorted by Awarded Date and Lost Date:
    • Sales Owners Lane Conversion
    • Sales Owners Avg Awarded Lane Deal Size
    • Lane Conversion by Customer
    • Customer Service Owners Lane Conversion
    • Awarded Lanes by Customer

Quotes Custom Fields Added to Lists and Reports

  • Custom Fields created in Quotes will now appear in the Dashboard Quote List
  • Quotes Custom Fields now also appear in the following Reports:
    • Sales Owners Lane Conversion
    • Sales Owners Avg Awarded Lane Deal Size
    • Lane Conversion by Customer
    • Customer Service Owners Lane Conversion
    • Awarded Lanes by Customer

New Date Range Filters

  • This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, and This Year Date Range filters are added to the following Reports:
    • Customer Service Owners Detail Performance
    • Sales Owners Detail Performance


  • We fixed a bug where quotes using the TomTom and ZipCode APIs are getting an error message when users try to input zip codes for Canadian cities.
  • Status in the To Do Dashboard is reordered from Overdue, Today, Completed, and Upcoming to Overdue, Today, Upcoming, and Completed.
  • The To Do preview card will now stay in view as long as the cursor hovers over the card. It disappears once the cursor leaves the card.
  • In Quote, Contact, and Company Lists, Custom Fields can now be filtered and sorted while the list is filtered by another field.
  • The Quote List now loads significantly faster.
  • The Subject field of any activity has now been added as an optional column in the Dashboard To Do List.
  • The Subject field character limit in Notes, Calls, Meetings, and Tasks is increased from 32 to 255 characters.
  • Activities are now collapsed (with a preview) by default and can be expanded if more information is available.
  • When inside a report, users can now switch between reports using a dropdown list instead of returning to the main Reports tab.
  • Cold Calling Status and Cold Calling Disposition system fields are now configurable/customizable from the Admin settings.