What's New?

New Features

  • Quote
    • Global and Company Quote Ratings for LTL and Intermodal can now be defined and will apply when a new quote is created.
    • On the quote tab of companies and contacts, a detailed view of a quote will show when clicked on the list view.
  • Email
    • Users with permissions can now add or delete email domains on a company's settings tab for email synchronization.
    • All synchronized emails can now be seen in the email tab of a company or contact.
  • Delete Functions
    • Users with permissions can now delete users in the Admin Module.
    • Users with permissions can now delete companies from the CRM.
  • Company & Contacts
    • When a Company Status is changed, the Contact Status of the contacts under the company will follow the change.
    • Users can now import companies and contacts using an excel file.
      • The excel template file can be found on the import setting of the Admin Module.


  • Users no longer need to log out and log in to update the application.
  • When forwarding emails, users can now remove or add attachments.