What's New?

New Features

  • Contacts
    • Users with permission can now delete contacts. Activities associated with the deleted contact will remain in the system.
    • Users with permission can now create new contacts from the Contact List.
  • Admin Functionalities
    • Admins can now provide or limit users' access to a company's settings.
    • Admins can now upload their company profile logo. This tool allows the user to zoom, crop, rotate, and preview before saving.
    • Admins can also upload a separate logo that will show in quotes the company generates. This tool includes zoom, crop, rotate, and preview functionalities.
  • Tasks
    • Users can now set up follow-up tasks when creating an email.
      • Follow-up tasks can be configured as Calls, In Person, or Emails.
    • When creating a task, users can now select a Point of Contact related to the task.
  • Other New Features
    • Clicking a company, contact, and quote activity on the list view will now show a detailed view.
    • In Company and Contact Forms, the fields on the left side now allow the user to search.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Tooltip behavior in dropdowns was updated to only show when the text does not fit the space provided.
  • Some elements on company and contact settings were removed for a cleaner interface.
  • In quotes, when a table only contains one row, blue highlight lines no longer show when hovering.
  • In LTL Quotes - Cargo Details, columns are spaced more appropriately for better readability.
  • Password reset email design was updated.
  • Login page design was updated.
  • Toast messages were streamlined across the application.
  • Top Menu Bar dropdowns were removed.
  • In the dashboard lists, filter icons that were not yet activated were removed.
  • No-data-available icons on lists were centered across the application.
  • Quote Form design was updated to use space more efficiently.
  • Lists were updated to fix the design bug when an item is selected.
  • Rating filter now allows the user to include companies or contacts with no rating set.
  • Last contacted days filter now allows the user to include companies or contacts with 0 as value for their last contacted day property.
  • Primary and secondary button designs were updated across the application