What's New?

Custom Fields

  • Users can now create custom fields for companies, contacts, and quotes.
  • This allows companies to customize SCRM according to their unique needs.

Drag and Drop on Pipeline

  • Users can now drag and drop a company/contact from one pipeline stage to another.
  • This gives users a more effortless and efficient way to manage their pipeline.
  • This functionality applies to the card view of the pipeline.
  • Multiple companies/contacts can also be dragged and dropped by selecting multiple cards and simply dragging them to the desired pipeline stage.

Date Range Filter on Reports

  • Users can now filter reports by date range.
    • Currently, the date range filter can be applied to the Awarded Lanes by Customer report. More reports will have the functionality in the coming releases.
  • This new feature allows users to focus on specific periods of time, compare performance with goals and targets, or compare data from one time period to another.


  • Awarded Lanes by Customer report can now be customized by chart types, such as column and line graphs.
  • A fix was applied to the Gmail integration to show already synced emails when the domain is added to the company’s settings.