What's New?

New Pipeline Features

  • The pipeline can now be viewed at a contact level.
  • The contact displayed is the main point of contact of each company in the pipeline.
  • This provides users with another way to view the pipeline according to their needs.

New Reports

  • Two new reports have been added - Customer Service Owner Activities & Customer Service Owner Lane Conversion.
  • Customer Service Owner Activities Report
    • This report allows users to view the number of calls, emails, and meetings of customer service owners per month, year, and avg per month.
    • This report also includes a line graph that helps users visualize and compare the performance of all customer service owners and their average.
  • Customer Service Owner Lane Conversion Report
    • This report shows each customer service owner's lane conversion (how many lanes were awarded versus their total created) and helps you compare it with the rest of the team.
    • This report also includes a line graph that helps users visualize the lane conversion performance of all customer service owners and their average.


  • When filling up an in person cycle, SCRM now suggests addresses for auto-complete.
  • When replying to emails in SCRM, users now have the option to create a follow-up.