• 1. Win More Deals
  • 2. Convert More Leads to New Customers
  • 3. Have an Organized Way to Manage Leads and Customers
  • 4. Access Integrations with Logistics Applications
  • 5. Achieve Better Visibility
  • 6. Facilitate Better Teamwork
  • 7. Analyze In-Depth Performance
  • Conclusion



    Not all logistics software is created equal and offers the same advantages. Many businesses rely on purpose-built inventory and warehouse management solutions, but they often pair them with more generalized customer relationship management (CRM) software. Unfortunately, this only diminishes the efficacy of purpose-built software while creating blind spots in a company’s overall strategy.

    Click Here: Secure More Shipments and Quote Faster With This 3PL Tool

    This is why selecting the right logistics software is like completing a puzzle; every piece must fit perfectly to show the complete picture of optimized efficiency. This is why you must use a CRM that allows you to get the benefits of logistics software.

    With that in mind, let’s explore seven advantages of using logistics CRM software over generic ones.

    1. Win More Deals

    One of the benefits of logistics software is securing more shipments. By winning more deals, you also boost your revenue, which triggers business growth. The best way to secure more shipments is to send quotes faster than other logistics companies. The quicker you send a quote, the higher your chances of closing a deal.

    Leading logistics CRMs have logistics quoting features built for the industry. With a specialized quoting tool, you can provide your leads with professional quotes within three minutes or less.

    When examining a CRM’s quoting features, ensure it can provide real-time market rates, add complete details about every shipment lane, generate professional quotes, and more.

    Also, you can read this to boost your logistics sales: The Ultimate Guide to Logistics Sales.

    Benefits of Logistics Software - a person winning more shipment

    2. Convert More Leads to New Customers

    A CRM for logistics has a sales pipeline that you can use to track leads as they transition into customers. You can use this tool to determine how long prospects can navigate the sales journey, identify logistics sales challenges, and optimize your customer conversion rate.

    Proactively managing your leads from brand awareness to conversion is key to growing your business. With the best CRM for the logistics industry, you can segment leads based on various criteria such as demographics, behaviors, and interactions. This segmentation enables you to target leads with personalized and relevant communication, increasing the chances of conversion.

    To sum up, the right CRM in logistics will provide you with better control over the sales pipeline to give your leads the desired experience.

    3. Have an Organized Way to Manage Leads and Customers

    One of the advantages of logistics software is having an organized and clear view of your customers and leads. You can use it to review the status of customer data in real-time, track communications between your team and clients, and generate and send logistics quotes to partners.

    As a single data source for all your customers, logistics CRM software does not require you to use other applications to keep track of your business partners or customize a CRM to make them compatible with your needs. Using multiple separate applications for your logistics business will cause you lots of inefficiencies. Meanwhile, customization requires a significant amount of time and resources. These options are not advised if you want to cut costs and save time.


    This is one of the significance of customer relationship management within logistics, you have an established system that facilitates the interactions and nurturing through the customer journey.

    4. Access Integrations with Logistics Applications

    Since logistics cover a niche industry, generic CRM systems typically do not integrate with important applications like BlueGrace, TomTom, PCMiler, LoadPlus, or DAT. The lack of such integrations can create data blind spots or inefficiencies due to the use of separate applications.

    With a logistics CRM software, you get the benefit of integrating your core platform with a wide range of industry-specific applications. By pooling data from your mission-critical solutions, you can gain more complete business insights and engage in data-driven decision-making. This helps you better capitalize on emerging and potential growth opportunities.

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    5. Achieve Better Visibility

    Achieving better visibility with a CRM allows your sales team to gain comprehensive insights into the entire sales process, from lead generation to conversion. Unlike when your business relies on a disjointed suite of apps, you get better visibility with a logistics CRM.

    With clear visibility into customer interactions, pipeline progression, and performance metrics, your team can make more informed decisions, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize efforts effectively. This helps you avoid wasting time and miss opportunities.

    This enhanced visibility enables proactive management of sales activities, empowers timely interventions, and leads to optimized resource allocation and increased sales productivity. Hence, your sales team can use logistics CRM software as an all-in-one solution to collaborate on essential tasks, share information, keep stakeholders in the loop, and maximize productivity.

    If you’re looking for the best CRM for logistics, you can use this CRM pricing guide to explore your CRM options.

    6. Facilitate Better Teamwork

    Aside from the benefits of logistics software mentioned above, logistics CRM software can also promote better teamwork. The team can collaborate better by using a single app to share information, send communications to one another or clients, and manage important documents from a centralized location. If a team member is on leave, other employees can easily cover their responsibilities, as all important lead or customer data is stored in the database.

    From a collaboration perspective, marketing and sales teams can seamlessly pass off leads and propel prospects down the conversion pipeline. Perfecting that proverbial handoff will remove friction from the buyer’s journey and help you convert more leads into loyal clients.

    With effective logistics sales pitch tips, you can allow your sales team to collaboratively make a huge impact on your sales pipeline.

    7. Analyze In-Depth Performance

    Traditionally, logistics businesses use a generic CRM solution and a disparate transportation management system to generate quotes and manage data. This is an inefficient approach, given that the data points stored on each system need to converge. As a result, business leaders are left with an incomplete picture of their customers and shipments.

    One of the benefits of logistics software is access to a wealth of metrics that you can use to generate detailed, in-depth reports. You can use these logistics sales reports to visualize complex business and customer data into digestible, actionable charts and graphs. In a way, you better understand the relationship between your data points and gain a more complete view of business performance.

    RELATED: 12 Essential 3PL Sales KPIs to Increase Revenues & Profits

    Logistics Software Benefits - A Person Working on SCRM


    Relying on generic CRM software not built explicitly for the logistics industry does not have the specialized features it requires. Since logistics is fast-paced, there should be no room for error or inefficiencies. Embracing modern CRM software designed for logistics can help you reap the benefits of a system. It can help you achieve optimal visibility, promote teamwork, secure more shipments, and streamline the customer experience.

    If you want to implement a CRM that provides all of these benefits, take a look at this CRM built for logistics.

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    Hector Sunol Information Technology Expert

    Hector is IFS’s co-founder and CEO, with over 21 years of experience leading and managing companies and IT operations for large and mid-size businesses. Hector is also the co-founder and CEO of Cyzerg, a technology company specializing in innovating software solutions for warehouses and DCs. Before IFS and Cyzerg, Hector was senior director of technical operations, overseeing an e-commerce website with more than one million monthly transactions.